After a few days away down south at the Bearded Theory Festival in Derbyshire, to which I did take a few bottles of the 1st batch of homebrew which seemed to go down well, I had some work to do today.
So first today I racked off the Apple, Blackcurrant and Cranberry which ended up at 1.000 so making that around 7.2% ABV. Tastes nice and fruity too, but perhaps a bit sweet.. might need to fix that somehow!
Also racked off the Apple & Fruit Cocktail TC, which didn't look too clever with all the pulp/sediment in it but it looks all good now. Tastes very strong though, and if my readings are correct it seems to be about 8.5%.. ooft!
Also the rose wine was looking a lot clearer, so racked that off again and that is that ready for drinking, so will bottle it shortly. Gillian took a little sip, and seemed to like it.. so a success I think!
Finally, the third batch of kit cider was fermented out, so transferred that to my other FV and will bottle that tomorrow.
Productive day :-)
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